I recently brought a food processor, a device that I have been yearning for, but couldn't convince myself that I needed it.. but then I had to make Hummus, in bulk, and the recipe asked for the processor.. so of course I bought it. I bought one of the cheapest ones out there, a Hamilton Beach from Wal-mart.

So far I have made:
- A grotesque amount of hummus, after which I decided that the store-bought kind is better
- A grotesque amount of hummus, after which I decided that the store-bought kind is better
-Pie Crust - my first pie ever!
- I sliced potatoes for scalloped potatoes, so easy!
- I grated Grueyere cheese for the potatoes, I will never hand-grate again!
I also bought a cherry pitter... a must! My father picked 200lbs of cherries this past weekend in Oregon, so I decided to make a pie. I attempted to pit exactly 2 cherries by hand. After a few nicks with the knife, I decided to spend the $13 and get one from Bed Bath & Beyond.

And finally, I bought a lemon juicer! I saw one at BB&B for $15, but then when I was at Wal-mart later, I found an almost identical one for $6, oh wallyworld, you rarely disappoint :)
I just bought a cherry pitter as well! I had NO IDEA such a gadget even existed, but was enlightened by a co-worker. Very excited about my latest gadget, but have yet to use it...
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