1. My savior, Jesus Christ, without Him I am nothing. He changed my life. Freed me from the captivity of sin, and made me a new creation in Him.

2. My loving, sexy, best-man-I-know husband.. u know who u are ;-) I love u, being married to you, YOU!

3. My favorite babbling, bouncing, bundle of joy, baby boy, Lukester, mommy loves you more strongly and deeply than you'll ever know!

4. My large, crazy, wouldn't-have-it-any-other-way, immediate family. (here's most of us :)

5. My large, even more crazy extended family! (I would need a really wide lens to have a picture that could hold all of us!
6. My close friends, don't have alot of them, but I am so grateful for your friendships. (don't have a group picture :)
7. Cheese: all kinds, all the time.

8. Chips: the real stuff, best if u are a kettle chip - don't feel the same about the baked ones, they would probably make it on my HATE list.

9. Chocolate: best if in the form of chocolate frosting or cake. but i will take any kind.

10. Coffee: :) :) :) yes, coffee makes me smile, peps me up, and smells sooo good!

11. Clothes: women's, men's, babies', u name it, i'll shop for it! and if we ever have a dog, he/she will also have a wardrobe. (not my closet...I wish i had room for wooden hangers)

12. The color ORANGE, seriously more of an obsession

13. Crafty stuff: crocheting, sewing, paperfolding, napkin folding, homemade stuff, etc. craft blogs (etsy.com especially!)

14. Cooking: that includes baking. Love to create stuff, try new recipes. (below is a tofu stir-fry I made... It's become almost a weekly dish at our house.

15. SHOES: oh yes, flats, heels, boots, loafers, wedges, running shoes, cross-trainers, mules, slingbacks... you never disappoint.. no matter how my weight fluctuates, you remain the same.. consistent... I heart u :)