
Saturday, May 29, 2010


I think the nesting has officially started. We spent all day working around the house, trying to get baby's room ready. So far, we have the crib, dresser and new sofa bed set up, all from IKEA, which I am LOVING' these days!
Technically, we are ready to house a baby!
that's crazy, i'll be 34 weeks this week. yikes!
I've been trying to finish my sewing of the bedding (will post pics later), but my sewing maching broke, so I am helpless, for a few days only i hope.
So, yes, have ALOT to do. Hopefully Luke will stay put until i'm done... luke, listen to your momma!


  1. You can borrow my sewing machine if you want, girl! Call me.

  2. post some pictures of the nursery...i'm so curious to see what your creative self does with it! :)
