My in-laws came to visit, which meant free babysitting :)
It also meant free crotchet lessons from my mom-in-law, Mary. I would love to be able to crotchet Luke some cute hats and moccasins... but so far, this is all I can do.

I also recieved an awesome gift from my sister Naomi. Loved it! She bought Luke some Fabulous! clothes from H&M, since we don't have one here in Dallas, Yet.
The best part is that she also sent some ties that she made for Luke, 15 of them!! They slip over the head with some elastic, and they look super cute, don't u think? He doesn't like me to take too many pics of him in his undies :)
For a happier picture of his fabulous self and to see the ties, you can visit Naomi's blog.