
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Now I can blog freely

Now that i've gotten the long overdue food blog out of the way, I can post and blog about other random things that need to be said. Mostly political things

1. Nobel peace prize committe is a joke

2. A public option of healthcare is also a joke... so far all the healthcare versions in the senate do not cover ALL uninsured Americans. With any of the purposed plans, there will still be uninsured people, so what's the point?!

3. Insurance companies cannot compete with the government in healthcare. Any public option proposal will lead to employers discontinuing to pay for their employees' benefits.. why should they when their employees can just get on the public government program?! if it smells like socialism, walks like socialism, talks like socialist, it's the President!

4. SNL is finally starting to come around to realizing our pres is not the golden boy he says he is:
made me giggle, but so sad, because it's all true!

Please, fellow Americans, try to see behind the picture he paints of himself. And especially for all the Christians out there, the man is the most liberal, far-left president yet. His policies speak volumes. No concern for the sanctity of marriage, no concern for the un-born, no concern for personal freedom and freedom of speech, and no concern for a free market.
The next time we have a chance to vote, for anything! be it on a county, state or national level, let's get it right!

*Paid for by the "I am Disgusted about our Current Administration" Fund*

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