- painted all doors in house, and replaced hardware.. from old bronze yucky to new smooth, shiny silver
- Remodeled master bathroom
- Put some new landscape in the front yard, nothing fancy, it was a diy project
- went to young married couple party at church with sunday school class, lots of fun!!!

- Spent thanksgiving with the inlaws at their ranch in the Tx panhandle (Deric and his brothers moving cows)
- Spent only 1 day Christmas shopping! It was in and out, no messing around, no trying on stuff for myself (even though I was super tempted and there is so much cuteness out there to be bought!!!!)
- Had an open house at work in our dept, made lots of food, all junk of course!
- One of my fave cousins, dave got engaged!!! yay! they look so cute, don't they?! So happy for you guys!
- And, to leave the best for last......... We're going to have a baby!!!!!!!!!!!
There he is! Little Nugget Waters! Has a little hearbeat already, and a liver bud, and just got elbows!! I'm about 10 weeks along now. I knew something was wrong when I couldn't finish my sushi...and I always finish my sushi! Yes, hormones are weird... I never know what new thing will make me gag from one day to another. Other than that, I have had any vomiting or craziness, just the nausea and some weight gain. Otherwise, I don't really feel pregnant..
So people have been asking if we have names picked out, nursery done, etc... No , no , no. .... I think we're going to wing it... seriously, women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, it can't be that hard! It's not like we're going to completely wing it, we are planning on seeing a doctor regularly (even though Deric says I only take their advice as suggestions.... well, they aren't always right! trust me, I work in the medical field, docs are human, just like us, make mistakes, have biased opinions...)... any hooo, I am reading 2 books on pregnancy and Deric is reading a book on Gospel parenting... and I have thought about names for like 10 minutes one day (still clueless)... and I did look up ideas for nurseries online...
So What I mean to say is that we're not complete procrastinators... just enjoying the process :) Mostly trying not to get too crazy about it all. Yes, it's a big deal, yes, a baby changes everything, but I know my tendencies to over prepare and try to do everything to perfection, and I have found that perfection is a hopeless battle. So, I will relax, enjoy the process, take 1 day at a time, pray contstantly and hope for the best!
And I can't wait to meet him! yes, it's a "him" until otherwise noted.
That's all folks! stay tuned for more craziness!